الجمعة، 13 سبتمبر 2013

24 Funny Technology FAILS

technology fails macbook air knifeTechnology is GREAT! From our iPhones to our laptops, we use modern technology all day, every day. You’re using modern technology RIGHT NOW to read this sentence, and I used technology to write it! But although technology is everywhere, some people aren’t using that technology right. Check out this gallery of the best and funniest technology FAILS. How are people this dumb? YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG! Let us know your favorite fail in the comments!

technology fails speakers headphones
technology fails scan ipad
technology fails nintendo disk drive
technology fails macbook air knife
technology fails laptop beach
technology fails ipad phone
technology fails beats by dre
technology fails camera backwards
technology fails ipad doorstop
technology fails headrest TV
technology fails macbook cheese
technology fails double earphones
technology fails wii tennis
technology fails scan laptop
technology fails phone off
technology fails outdoor vacuum
technology fails copier paper
technology fails listening to rock
technology fails onion ipad
technology fails camera
technology fails whiteout computer
technology fails ipad tape plaer
technology fails internet explorer
technology fails laptop rain
Which was the best? Have you done any of these? Let us know in the comments below!

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